Walk and Roll
2020 – The Walk and Roll for PWS goes to the ZOO!!
We can’t believe this year marks our tenth annual Walk and Roll for PWS. In celebration of this milestone we will be holding our walk at the Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport, CT on Saturday, May 30th. Mark you calendars!! We hope to see you there!!
2019 – Great day with a surprise!!
Our ninth annual Walk and Roll for PWS was held on June 15th again at Coginchaug Regional High School, in Durham, CT. It was a beautiful day and we had a special announcement about our 10th Walk and Roll in 2020!
2018 – Back in Durham, but this year in June
Our eighth annual Walk and Roll for PWS was held on June 16th in Durham, CT at Coginchaug Regional High School. We again surpassed our goal of raising $30,000! It was another amazing day for our awesome event!!
2017 – New Location, Same Great Event
Our seventh Walk and Roll was held in Durham, CT at Coginchaug Regional High School and it was another great event. This year we surpassed our goal of $30,000! No matter where we are, we know our families will make it a success!
2016 is Our Year to Make a Difference
We have an amazing opportunity to fund an exceptionally promising clinical trial this year. Dr. Miller needs our help to raise 1 million dollars to begin her Phase Two trial of oxytocin. Oxytocin has absolutely changed the lives of kiddos living with PWS, for the short time they we enrolled in her Phase One trial. Help us make to promise of oxytocin a reality for our children and all people living with PWS. Watch the Oxytocin Initiative video to learn more!!
About the Walk and Roll
The Walk and Roll for PWS was started in July 2010 by Matt and Amy Tenbrunsel after their son Aedan was diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome. It was created to bring awareness to the community and to bring local families living with PWS together. We’d like to think it has been a huge success.