Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to visit our page. Whether you have found us through an internet search, were given a business card with our information, or heard about us from a family member or friend, we are very happy that you are here. Prader Willi Syndrome Families United, is just that, a group of families that have come together to do the best we can for our children living with this difficult and life altering disease. We are united and become stronger through awareness spread throughout our community. If you haven’t already, please take some time to look through our website to learn more about Prader-Willi syndrome and our organization. Look for our upcoming events and tell your own community about this rare disease. Awareness is our children’s path to a future full of hope!
Amy Tenbrunsel
Mom to Aedan and Chairperson, Prader Willi Syndrome Families United